function of the human tongue

"Each part of the tongue's anatomy has a different function in producing sounds and tasting tastes. Because of this important function, you need to maintain the health of these organs every day!"

TheDoctormedical , united states– The tongue is an organ that is located in the mouth and plays an important role in various aspects of daily life. This organ is involved in the process of speaking and tasting.

Not only that, the tongue also plays a role in digestive function. Come on, get to know more about the anatomy of the tongue and how this small organ has a tremendous influence on our lives!

Parts of the Tongue

The tongue consists of several parts, each of which has its own function. Here are the parts of the tongue that you need to know:

1. Base

The base is located at the back of the mouth, close to the throat. Its function is to help swallow food and direct it to the esophagus.

2. Body

This main part of the tongue is the most visible and has many important functions. Starting from producing sound and speech, to adjusting the movement of food during the swallowing process.

The precise movements allow you to pronounce different sounds while speaking.

3. Edge

Then there is the tip which is the most sensitive because it has many taste papillae. Its main function is to taste the taste of food.

This section is able to detect sweet, sour, salty and bitter tastes, thus providing a sensory experience when you enjoy food.

4. Side of the tongue

The lateral parts are of course located on both sides of the body of the tongue. These sides help hold and move food in your mouth when you chew.

Not only that, the sides also help clean food residue that may stick to the surface of the teeth.

5. Top surface

The upper surface also has many small papillae or protuberances. Papillae function in tasting. The upper surface also plays a role in helping to direct food during swallowing and contributes to the formation of sounds during speech.

6. Undersurface

While the lower surface of course is located under the tongue which is close to the roof of the mouth . This section helps in directing food to the back of the throat during swallowing and moving saliva.

Tongue Function

The tongue has several important functions in the human body, including the following:

1. Speak

This organ plays a key role in making sounds and speech. Precision movements, whether in contact with the palate, teeth or lips, help to pronounce different sounds and form different words.

2. Taste the taste

The tongue is a sensory organ that has the ability to taste. Its surface is covered with papillae, which contain clusters of taste cells.

This function allows you to taste and distinguish the taste of food, such as sweet, sour, salty and bitter.

3. Swallow

Another function is to help the process of swallowing food. Movement of the tongue helps direct food from the mouth down the back of the throat and into the esophagus.

4. Cleaning the mouth

This small organ was also helpful in maintaining oral hygiene. During chewing food, this organ helps clean up food residue that may stick to the surface of the teeth and move it to a position that is more accessible to the teeth.

This helps prevent food buildup and the development of bacteria in the mouth.

5. Helps in the production of saliva

Saliva production also depends on the role of the tongue. Movement and touch to the roof of the mouth triggers sending signals to the salivary glands to produce saliva.

6. Helps in recognizing the texture of food

This organ also helps you to recognize the texture of food. Its sensitive surface can perceive different food textures, such as soft, hard or chewy.

Tips for Maintaining Tongue Health

Because it has various important functions, you need to maintain the health of your tongue as well as possible. Well, here are tips on caring for the tongue :

1. Brush regularly

Not just your teeth, you need to brush your tongue gently. You do this by applying a little toothpaste to the brush first. Then, brush from the back of the mouth toward the opening in a downward motion.

This method can expel the bacteria that trigger bad breath. Make sure you press or rub it gently then rinse or gargle with water.

2. Use a tongue scraper

Instead of using a brush, you can use a scraper to clean it more thoroughly.

This tool is made of soft and flexible plastic so that it can scrape off the mucus layer on the tongue.

After using it, simply clean the scraper with warm water to remove bacteria.

3. Rinse it clean

Every time you clean it, make sure you really rinse it thoroughly with water. This can help you get rid of bacteria.

You can also use a warm salt solution to gargle. This solution can also help eradicate bacteria in the mouth.

4. Drink green tea

Another tip you can try is drinking green tea to keep it clean. The anti-bacterial compounds in green tea can reduce the number of bacteria in the mouth.

5. Keep an eye on the color

You also have to monitor the color of the tongue regularly. Because, the color can be an indicator of your health condition.

A healthy tongue should be light pink in color with a bit of a white coating.

If it's white, you could be dehydrated or have a yeast infection. Meanwhile, a pale color can indicate a vitamin deficiency.

6. Drink lots of water 

Hydration is important for overall health and function of the body. Drinking water also helps wash away bacteria and food debris from the tongue and teeth.

Therefore, make sure you drink lots of water to keep your body hydrated and avoid health problems.