what are drugs and their dangers

“Drugs are illegal drugs of many kinds. Starting from morphine, LSD, heroin, marijuana, cocaine, and opium, they are all examples of narcotics that have different effects.”

, united states- Narkoba is an abbreviation of narcotics and drugs. At first certain drugs were used for medical needs. Because these drugs can actually provide positive benefits if used according to medical procedures. Doctors usually use it as a painkiller. Unfortunately, there are some people who even abuse it.  

Meanwhile, narcotics are substances or drugs that are natural, synthetic, or semi-synthetic. Narcotics can cause a decrease in consciousness, hallucinations, and excitability. The dangerous thing about drug use outside of medical procedures is that it can lead to addiction.

Examples of Narcotics that Need to be Recognized

Substances contained in drugs are substances that can have a bad impact on health if misused. 
According to the Law on Narcotics, the types are divided into 3 groups, based on the risk of dependence. 

1. Narcotics class 1

Narcotics class 1 namely cannabis, opium and coca plants. This type is very dangerous if consumed because of the high risk of causing addictive effects. 

2. Narcotics class 2

Meanwhile, class 2 narcotics can be used for treatment, as long as they are in accordance with a doctor's prescription. There are approximately 85 types of class 2 narcotics. Some examples of this type of narcotics are morphine and alphaprodina.
Although it can be used for treatment, group 2 also has a high potential to cause dependency effects. 

3. Narcotics class 3

This type of narcotics class 3 has a fairly mild risk of dependence and is widely used for treatment and therapy. 

As you already know, there are several types of drugs that you can get naturally, but some are made through chemical processes. Based on the manufacturing process, examples of these narcotics are divided into several types, including:

a. Synthetic

This type of narcotics is obtained through a complicated processing process. Synthetic narcotics are usually used for medicinal and research purposes. Examples of synthetic narcotics are amphetamine, methadone, dexamphetamine, and many more.

b. Semi synthetic

The processing of semi-synthetic narcotics uses natural narcotics as the main ingredient, which is then isolated by extraction. Examples of semi-synthetic narcotics are morphine, heroin and codeine.

c. Experience

Examples of natural narcotics are cannabis and coca. Its use can be directly through a simple process. However, the substances contained in natural narcotics are still very strong, so they are not allowed to be used as medicine.

In addition, the dangers of using this drug are very high. It can even cause adverse effects on health if misused. One of the fatal dangers of drugs is to cause death.

Impact of Drugs on Health
Whatever the type, drug abuse is something you need to avoid because it can make you more susceptible to certain health problems. For example, such as lung or heart disease, stroke, cancer, to disorders of mental health. Imaging scans, chest X-rays, and blood tests can show the damaging effects of long-term drug use throughout the body.

In fact, drug use (especially the injection type) can also increase the risk of transmitting HIV and hepatitis C infections. Both can be triggered by the use of sharing needles or unsafe sex practices.

In addition, infections of the heart and its valves (endocarditis) and skin infections (cellulitis) can also occur when these organs are exposed to bacteria from injecting drug use. Finally, excessive drug use also carries the risk of causing an overdose, where the consequences can lead to the user's life being threatened.

In addition to the long-term effects, the short-term effects of drug use are unpleasant. The user's quality of life will also be affected. Because the fun that comes from drugs is only temporary. Over time, feelings of depression and anxiety emerge.

Different types, different harmful negative side effects that drugs can cause.

The following is a description of the side effects of several types of drugs , from morphine to opium, namely:

1. Morphine

Derived from the word “morpheus” which means “god of dreams”, morphine is a strong analgesic alkaloid found in the poppy plant. This type of drug acts directly on the central nervous system, as a pain reliever.

Some of the adverse effects that arise from the use of morphine-type drugs are:

Lose consciousness.
Causing euphoria or a feeling of extraordinary happiness.
Heart pounding.
Mood swings.
Dry mouth.
stomach cramps
Reduced urine production.
Menstrual disorders and impotence.

2. Heroin (Putaw)

This type of drug is produced from chemical processing of morphine. However, the reaction caused by heroin can be stronger than morphine, so this substance can easily penetrate the brain. The bad effects it causes are:

Slowing pulse.
Blood pressure drops.
muscle weakness
Pupils shrink.
Lost confidence.
Likes to be alone.
Frequent bad behavior, such as lying and cheating.
Difficulty defecating
Sleep often.
Redness and itching in the nose.
Speech disorders (lisp).

3. Marijuana (Cannabis/Marijuana)

Cannabis, another name for Cannabis sativa syn . Cannabis Indica . This is a cultivated plant that produces fiber and contains narcotic substances in its seeds. This type of drug can make the wearer experience euphoria, which is a prolonged feeling of pleasure for no reason.

In fact, the cannabis plant has been known to mankind for a long time. You usually use the fiber as an ingredient in making bags, and you use the seeds as a base for making oil.

However, recently, countries with cold climates have begun to cultivate many early plants by growing them in greenhouses. The dangers of cannabis-type drugs for the body are:

Pulse and heart rate faster.
Mouth and throat feel dry.
Hard to remember.
Difficult to communicate with.
Sometimes it looks aggressive.
Experiencing sleep disturbances.
Often feel restless.
Appetite increases.
Often fantasize.

4. Cocaine

Cocaine is a type of drug that comes from the Erythroxylon coca plant , from South America. The leaves of this plant are usually used to get a stimulant effect, namely by chewing. Cocaine can trigger cell metabolism to be very fast.

While other bad effects for the body are:

Can give the effect of excessive excitement for the user.
Often feel restless.
Weight loss
Skin problems arise.
Experiencing respiratory problems.
Frequent seizures.
Frequent phlegm.
Experiencing emphysema (damage to the lungs).
Decreased appetite.
Impaired vision.
Often confused.

5. LSD (Lysergic Acid)

LSD is a type of drug that is classified as a hallucinogen. Usually in the form of small sheets of paper, capsules, or pills.

Bad effects for health are:

Frequently hallucinating events, places, colors, and times.
Often obsessed with what is in his hallucinations.
Often also experience paranoia due to hallucinations.
His heart rate and blood pressure increased.
The pupils dilate.
Have a fever.
Depression and feeling dizzy.
Panic attacks and excessive fear.
Experiencing perceptual disturbances.

6. Opium (Opium)

Opium is a type of drug that is in powder form. This type of drug is produced from a plant called papaver somniferum . The morphine content in this powder is commonly used to relieve pain.

The bad effects of opium for health are:

Feel the sensation of time passing so slowly.
Feeling dizzy (drunk).
Passion increases.
Skin problems arise in the mouth and neck.
Often feel busy alone.