How to Basic Techniques for Doing Backstroke Swimming

“To do the backstroke, you need to master some basic techniques. Among them are the back straight above the water and the position of the elbows and arms."

Thedoctormedical , united states– Backstroke swimming, or backstroke swimming, is one of the most common swimming styles. When swimming the backstroke, the body is in a supine position on the surface of the water and the movement of the legs and arms is used to move the body forward.

Actually, swimming this style will be the easiest swimming technique from other swimming techniques. To get the maximum benefit, of course you need to know some of the basic techniques for swimming the following backstroke!

What is the Backstroke Swimming Technique?

As the name implies, the backstroke is done with the back as the base. However, this technique is much more than just floating in water.

1. Body position

Body position should be straight and flat on the surface of the water. Why is that? This is because maintaining this position allows the hips and shoulders to rise high in the water, creating a position for minimal resistance and maximum ventilation. The ears, shoulders and hips should form a relatively horizontal line.

2. Head position when swimming the backstroke

The correct head position is very important to achieve the correct body position in backstroke swimming. The back of the head should be in the water, so the eyes look up.

If the head is too far back, it creates a curved spine. Likewise, when the head is too far forward, it can cause bending of the spine and drooping of the hips and legs.

3. Kicking movement

The kicking motion on the backstroke is similar to the freestyle. Use your hips as the pivot when kicking. Lower abdominal and back strength are important when performing backstroke kicks.

4. Hand gestures

Backstroke swimming requires specific hand movements. Hand movement goes right in front of the shoulder. Arms fully extended and pinkies in first.

5. Arm movement in backstroke swimming

One other thing you need to pay attention to is arm movement when swimming. So, how do the arms move in the backstroke? Actually, the movement of the arms in the backstroke is not much different from the freestyle. When moving, arms straight with fingers together.

However, when you enter the water, your elbows bend and push toward your hips. Alternate these arm movements.

6. Hip and shoulder rotation

Rotate the hips and shoulders naturally and will help your body's urge to swim. Usually, you need special training to increase your maximum backstroke rotation ability.

7. Breathing technique

In addition, breathing techniques are equally important. Swimming with this style has a way of taking a breath that is different from other swimming styles. Backstroke swimmers can breathe continuously and do it by inhaling when one arm rests. Then, exhale while the other arm rests.

Things to note

Whatever your swimming style, there are a number of things you need to pay attention to to maintain safety and comfort before swimming, including:

1. Check health conditions

Make sure you are in good health before swimming. If you have certain health problems or medical conditions, such as heart disease or respiratory problems, you should discuss with your doctor before swimming.

2. Avoid swimming if you are sick

If you are experiencing symptoms of illness such as fever, flu, diarrhea, or skin infections, you should not swim. Swimming while sick can make your symptoms worse and infect others.

3. Choose a swimming pool that is safe and clean

Make sure the swimming pool is clean and well maintained. Also check that there are adequate safety signs, such as safety fences, depth markings and trained lifeguards.

4. Pay attention to the depth of the swimming pool

Make sure you swim in a pool area that suits your swimming abilities. Avoid swimming pools that are too deep if you don't have adequate swimming skills.

Also, if you have elderly parents who like to swim, be sure to always supervise them when they enter the pool. Because, the balance of the elderly is very vulnerable, especially while walking around the pool.

5. Use appropriate swimwear

Make sure you wear appropriate and comfortable swimwear. Choose swimwear that fits and is not too loose to avoid the risk of getting stuck or disrupted when swimming

Frequently Asked Questions

-What are the benefits of backstroke swimming?

Here are some of the benefits of backstroke swimming:

1. Relieve back pain

Basically, wanting to swim in any style can help relieve pain for people who suffer from back pain. According to research published in The Spine Journal , swimming can relieve pain, especially in the lower back.

Swimming can increase the mobility of people with chronic back pain, improving arthritis symptoms in people with fibromyalgia.

2. Improve posture

Backstroke swimming has the added advantage of improving posture. The muscles of the body that work harder when using this swimming technique will maintain a straight back in the water.

Swimming this style regularly will help you develop the habit of sitting or standing straight. The benefits of swimming to improve posture also work the other way around, when your posture improves, you can swim better too.

This is summarized in Hindawi's journal entitled Algorithm for Swimmers' Starting Posture Correction Based on Kinect . According to the study, proper swimming posture can help athletes improve their swimming abilities.

3. Swimming can make the body relax

Swimming can be a great way for the body to relax and relieve tension. One of the swimming styles for relaxation purposes is the backstroke. Mood can also be improved with this style, in fact, this exercise can make you sleep better at night.

4. Increase height

Backstroke swimming has several advantages, one of which is elevating the body. This style will train you to keep your body straight in the water. As a result, the spine will lengthen, making you appear taller and more muscular.

5. Swimming can train the muscles of the body

Backstroke swimming involves using many muscles to move and maintain balance in the water. The muscles of the body, especially in the arms, legs, stomach, shoulders, hips and buttocks, will be better trained with this style.

6. Helps with joint pain

Water sports such as swimming are ideal exercises for people with joint pain conditions. This is because water puts much less pressure, especially on the joints, than other types of exercise.

7. Improve body balance

Doing swimming, especially the backstroke, can train your body's balance – both in water and on land. The reason is, this style of swimming position trains the muscles to get balance in the water.

8. Burn calories

Swimming is an effective form of heart exercise. For 30 minutes, swimming this style can burn 200 calories. If you do it regularly, this swimming technique can also reduce the risk of obesity.