10 ways to deal with frequent urination

“Too frequent urination can be a sign of health problems. The way to deal with it is by avoiding triggers, being active, managing stress well, limiting water intake and doing Kegel exercises."

Thedoctormedical, united states– The frequency or level of frequent urination varies from person to day. This depends on the amount of fluid intake and the performance of the kidney organs in processing the excess.

Normally, the frequency of urination ranges from 6 to 8 times within 24 hours. If you drink too much, especially before going to bed at night, or get caffeine intake, of course the frequency of urination will increase.

What Causes Frequent Urination?

However, if you don't drink much or don't get caffeine intake, but the frequency of urination is reduced, this can be an indication of a health problem. Here are some conditions that cause frequent urination:

1. Urinary tract infection (UTI)

According to a book entitled Urinary Tract Infection by StatPearls Publishing (2023), urinary tract infection is a health problem that most often affects a person's frequency of urination.

The disease is most common in people ages 16 to 35, with 10 percent of women getting recurrent infections and more than 40 percent to 60 percent having an infection at least once in their lives.

In addition, relapses are also common, with nearly half of sufferers having the disorder twice in one year. This health problem triggers an increase in the frequency of urination along with a decrease in urine volume.

2. Overactive bladder

Frequent urination can also be a sign of an overactive bladder or overactive bladder. The cause is an overly contracted bladder, even though it is not yet full of urine. Usually, the symptoms of this health problem occur suddenly.

3. Frequent urination is a symptom of diabetes

Not many people realize that increased frequency of urination is also an early symptom of diabetes. This disorder occurs because the body tries to remove excess glucose in the form of urine.

4. Kidney stones

Frequent urination is also the main symptom of kidney stone disease. In addition, this disease also appears with symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, lower abdominal pain, and changes in urine color to become more cloudy. In fact, sufferers also sometimes experience bloody urine.

5. Pregnancy

Pregnant women, especially in the last trimester, will experience frequent urination. This condition occurs because the baby's head has entered the pelvis and pressed against the bladder.

6. Kidney infection

Kidney infection occurs due to bacteria that cause bladder infections that have entered the kidneys. In addition to frequent urination, symptoms of this health disorder include fever, back pain, and pain when urinating.

7. Frequent urination symptoms of prostate disorders

Prostate disorders can put pressure on the urethra and urinary tract. As a result, the bladder wall becomes more sensitive. This disorder causes the bladder to contract, so that the sufferer urinates frequently.

8. Effects of diuretic drugs

Diuretic drugs have the function of removing salt and excess fluid in the body. This is why, consuming this type of drug class can increase the frequency of urination.

9. Diverticulitis

The study entitled A rare case of acute urinary bladder diverticulitis mimicking acute appendicitis, in the American Journal of Case Reports states that bladder diverticulitis is a very rare medical condition.

This disease not only causes the sufferer to urinate frequently, but is also associated with rectal bleeding which is seen with colonic diverticulitis. The impact, this health problem can lead to the occurrence of hematuria or bloody urine.

10. Vaginitis

Vaginitis is inflammation of the vagina that appears with symptoms of frequent bowel movements. In addition, other symptoms include itching in the genitals, vaginal discharge with a thick texture, white or greenish in color, and smells bad.

How to deal with frequent urination ?

Treatment of frequent urination, of course, must be in accordance with the conditions that cause it. This is why, you need to do a doctor's examination to be able to determine the cause of these health problems.

Not only yourself, you also need to do an examination for your parents. This is especially for groups of people over the age of 40 who are very susceptible to various chronic health problems, such as diabetes or prostate.

In order to get an accurate diagnosis, doctors need to conduct interviews regarding medical history and carry out physical examinations. If necessary, the doctor can also carry out several supporting examinations. If the doctor already knows what is the cause, you can get the right treatment.

For example, frequent urination that occurs due to urinary tract infections may improve with antibiotics. Meanwhile, an increase in the frequency of urination due to an overactive bladder condition can be reduced by the following actions:

1. Avoid the trigger

The study entitled Impact of smoking habit on overactive bladder symptoms and incontinence in women in the International Journal of Urology said smoking is one of the triggers for frequent urination. Both smokers and people who have ever smoked show an increased prevalence of urinary incontinence compared to non-smokers.

2. Move actively

The way to deal with frequent urination can also be by being active. Because, lazy movement associated with obesity or overweight. Excessive body weight has the potential to weaken the muscles that support the bladder. As a result, there is an increase in the frequency of urination.

3. Avoid stress

Stress triggers an increase in the production of the hormone cortisol which makes sufferers feel anxious or excessively anxious. This condition can interfere with the performance of the nervous system which results in frequent urination.

This is why it's important to manage stress well. There are many easy ways that you can try, from exercising, reading books, listening to music, yoga and meditation, to doing various activities that you like.

4. Restrain the urge to urinate

Holding urine aims to regulate and train the bladder muscles so they don't always want to urinate. This step can also ensure that the bladder is completely filled. That way, the urine that comes out becomes more and the bladder is completely empty after urinating.

5. Limit water intake

Every adult needs 8 glasses of water or 2 liters per day. However, you should avoid consuming it at least an hour before going to bed. This step aims to prevent the desire to urinate too often.

6. Kegel exercises to prevent frequent urination

Kegel exercises are a natural way to reduce the frequency of urination. Simple movements can help overcome disorders, regardless of age and cause of illness, especially in the elderly.

According to the journal The effect of kegel exercises on the frequency of urination in the elderly in UPSTW Jombang in Pare by The 3rd Joint International Conference (JIC) , as many as 95.5 percent of sufferers experienced a decrease in the frequency of urinating after doing Kegel exercises.

The study was conducted on 46 respondents aged over 50 years. As a result, as many as 43 people experienced a decrease in the frequency of urination.

In overcoming disorders, Kegel exercises can improve and strengthen the ability of the pelvic floor muscles. This step can train the bladder muscles and reduce the potential for frequent urination.

First of all, lie down on a mat or mattress. Squeeze your pelvic muscles and hold for 5 to 10 seconds, then release. Do this method 10 times a day.

7. Set diet

Foods containing caffeine, artificial sweeteners, and spicy foods can trigger an increased urge to urinate. Instead, you can eat high-fiber foods, such as vegetables and fruits.

8. Wear blankets and socks

When lying down, the force of gravity makes body fluids move down, thus accumulating in the legs. This condition causes pressure on the leg veins and triggers fluid absorption into the bloodstream.

The more fluid that enters the blood vessels, the frequency of urination also increases. To avoid this, you can use blankets and socks. In addition to reducing pressure, this method can also provide a sense of comfort while sleeping

9. Limit salt intake to prevent frequent urination

How to deal with frequent urination can also limit salt intake. Because, salt can increase the volume of fluid in the blood vessels. When the amount rises, the kidneys must filter the excess fluid resulting in increased urine production. So, you should limit your intake to no more than 2,400 milligrams or 1 teaspoon of salt per day.

10. Bladder training to prevent frequent urination

Bladder training is a therapy to train bladder function. How it works by controlling the time between urination and the volume of urine that comes out. How to do this therapy, namely:

Urinate immediately after waking up.
Determine the time interval urination. Once an hour, for example.
Follow that schedule regularly.
Immediately take a deep breath and relax your body muscles if you want to urinate prematurely.
If you can't stand it, wait 5 minutes before urinating.
When it has worked out for a week, increase the time by 15 minutes. Add it regularly until you can pee within 3 to 4 hours.
If the problem of frequent urination that you experience does not improve, don't hesitate to ask your doctor immediately. So, you can get appropriate medical treatment and reduce the potential risks.